It’s festival season and we love being able to make your festival experience even more enjoyable and affordable! Instead fo buying a new tent, why not borrow one? We’ve got all the bells and whistles that’ll get you ready for any festival, come rain or shine!

1. Trolleys

An essential, especially if you are in a big group and need to lug your gear from one end of the festival to the other! We have a folding wheelbarrow, easy to store in your car, as well as sack trolleys, which are great for moving big tents! Alternatively, we have a wheelbarrow and a garden cart that can do the same thing!

2. Camping Shower

A luxurious item in the realm of festivals, this is a great alternative to waiting in queues and paying fees for showers. Why not avoid trying to clean yourself at the nearest tap, and shower with class! Our camping shower holds 20L and can be left in the sun all day to heat up, ready for a nice warm shower in the evening! We only have one so reserve it now!

3. Fire Pit

Who doesn’t love a campfire? We love this handy and portable fire pit, becuase it’s light, but still has large capacity for holding 5kg of wood. Just make sure to check festival rules before using!

4. Bunting

We’ve got a large range of bunting, perfect for making your temporary home stand out amongst the sea of tents! From giant bunting, to handmade bunting, we have various lengths, to personalise your tent!

5. Solar fairy lights

Another cool option to make your tent stand out, especially when fumbling back in the middle of the night! These lights that can be charged throughout the day and turn on as soon as it’s dark. Whether you want colourful or plain, we’ve got a few to choose from. Alternatively, we also have battery powered string lights!

6. Instruments

Who doesn’t love a little jamming by the campfire? Or a festival open mic? Ukuleles are a great, portable instument to pack, to get people singing. We also have bongo drums and a percussion set to get you in the festival spirit!

7. Chairs

An absolute essential at a festival, we have a range of camping chairs, but did you know have a rucksack seat? Or if you want something really portable for the day, we also have a hiking/shooting stick!

8. Circus Equipment

If you love showing off your circus skills at festivals, why not borrow our juggling clubs or diablo? We also have a hoola hoop, a pair of stilts and a unicycle!

9. Beach Windbreak

This is a great item for a bit of privacy around your camping area, especially if you’re in a big group! We also have parasols and a shade sail, if you need a bit of extra sun protection.

10. Cooking Equipment

Last, but definitely not least, we have a range of camping cooking equipment, from pots and pans, to gas stoves. We all know how expensive festival food can be, so why not pack a few cheaper meals to cook, and serve them up on our camping plates? Plus, you can keep your pantry organised for the weekend, with our camping kitchen!

Get Reserving!

Have you got a festival coming up and have seen an item (or a few!) you like? Make sure you sign up as member and start reserving! It’s quick and easy to do online, but you can also pop into the shop during our opening hours, Tuesday – Saturday, 10.30am – 2pm, give us a call on 07983639611 or drop an email at [email protected]. See you soon!