Our February Repair Café was a massive success, saving roughly £1,055 worth of stuff from going to landfill! Items fixed ranged from coffee machines to Doc Martens. We’re hoping to fix even more at our March repair café, so gather up your worn-out and broken stuff and come along. It’s on Sunday 15th March, 3-5pm, at the Welsh Mill Hub.

Don’t need anything fixing? There’s still plenty to do!
Just like February’s event, Aliss will be running upcycling demos. Last time we learned how to repurpose old fabric to make tote bags and draught excluders. This time we’re tackling denim jeans and creating hanging storage pockets.
We’ll also be using scrap paper to make plant pots, with soil and seeds provided. And don’t forget to quiz our fixers and learn a thing or two, like how to darn, hem and patch textiles. As always, repairs and demos are free with some refreshments available to buy, and donations are welcome.
Make sure you book repairs through our Eventbrite page so we can make sure we’ve got what we need to fix your item. Get in touch by emailing [email protected] for more info.

Fancy helping out?
We’re looking for volunteers to help with repairs of all sorts, so get in touch and let us know how you can help repair, run a free workshop/activity, or help host the repair café. It’s just 2 hours on a Sunday afternoon.
Hope to see you there!

A Library of Things.
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