Lets Save SHARE Together
SHARE has been given the devastating news that we will be losing our rent free premises. This news, combined with a 290% rise in running costs means that SHARE will close from 31st May 2024 if we don’t urgently find new free premises and receive funding support from local businesses, individuals and organisations.
Please join SHARE and other members of the community at one of our town wide meetings to share ideas and pledge support. Frome Town Football Club – 22nd April (18:30), Frome Council Chambers – 26th April (18:00), Sustainable Frome Meeting @ the Good Heart – 2nd May (19:30)

How you can help
The Save SHARE Together fundraising project has been started to give local businesses, individuals and organisations the chance to save SHARE Frome Library of Things. There are lots of ways that you can help SHARE detailed in the document below.
If you have any questions or would like to pledge support in any way, please email Jess or donate funds at https://www.givey.com/savesharetogether.