In order to sign up and start borrowing, you will need to save a debit or credit card on file, whether you do that yourself when you sign up online or you pop into the the shop to sign up. These card details are kept highly secure on our Stripe system, a PCI Service Provider Level 1, which is the highest grade of payment processing security. Here is a breakdown of how our late fees, non-collection fees, cleaning fees and loss/damage fees work:
Late fees
In order to make the service run as smoothly as possible for all members, any item(s) not returned on time will accrue late fees at double the loan fee for each day that the item(s) are not returned. These fees will be taken either when the item is returned or once the late fees total 120% of the purchase cost. It is therefore very important that you contact us if you feel you won’t be able to get your item(s) back on time. You can either call us during open hours on 07983639611 or email us outside of open hours on [email protected]. This also ensures that we can let whoever may have reserved it know that it is now unavailable.
Need to extend your loan?
First, check nobody else has reserved it after you. Simply find your item in the catalogue and scroll to the calander. If your item is available, you will need to get in contact with us to renew your item/s, by phoning us when we are open, or emailing when we are closed. If your item is booked, you’ll have to return it at the time you planned. If not, we will charge a daily late fee. We do this to encourage the items to be ready for other borrowers, who can see via the inventory when an item is due in.
Non-Collection Fees
If for any reason you do not come and collect your item at your arranged time you will still be charged for the loan. This is because by reserving the item you will have made it unavailable for any other member to reserve during that time. If for any reason you envisage that you will not be able to make your collection slot please let us know in good time in order that we can rearrange or release the item back to the catalogue for others. You can either call us during open hours on 07983639611 or email us outside of open hours on [email protected]
Cleaning fees
Rest assured, it’s extremely rare that items come back not cleaned or damaged/lost. Whenever it does happen we aim to resolve the matter in the best interest of all involved. Our policies are in place to ensure a smooth and well-oiled system is maintained for the benefit of all users.
We are unable to provide a cleaning service due to lack of facilities so we are relying on each borrower bringing the item back as clean as possible. If an item is deemed to have been returned in an unsatisfactory state you will either be asked to take it back home and clean it before returning it later the same day or be issued a cleaning fee of minimum £5.
Loss & Damage Fees
We ask borrowers to flag any damage they notice as soon as possible. This kicks off the repair process and also ensures the next borrower is not let down. To do small repairs like unblocking the pressure washer or replacing the jig saw blades, our small team of local volunteer fixers will try to do simple fixes. When an item is beyond a quick fix, we decide whether it is more efficient to have it professionally mended or simply to donate/sell or recycle it. We understand that items will break eventually and we don’t charge members for these types of breakages. However, we do reserve the right to charge for items that are deemed to have been broken by serious misuse or neglect. If this is the case and the item is beyond repair the member will be asked to either buy a replacement or pay the replacement cost.
A Library of Things.
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