As we move closer to the end of year, SHARE would like to thank each and everyone for supporting us! This year was a difficult one for everyone, but with the support of our wonderful members, we were able to re-open in July and keep going throughout the second lockdown. We hope that we have helped make this year a little easier (and affordable) for carrying out DIY projects, upkeeping your gardens, making yummy food and keeping you entertained!
We will be taking a 2 week break this Christmas, with our last open day on Monday, 21st December, 10:30am – 4pm. We will then be closed over Christmas and New Year, and our first day back will be Monday January 4th, 10:30am – 4pm.
Remember, if you want to borrow between these 2 weeks, you will only need to pay for one loan! That’s 3 loans for free!
If you want to add some last minute cheer to your home, we’ve still got some decorations, crafts, trees, and tree holders in stock, so check out our Christmas section. And don’t forget that we are offering all of these Christmas items FREE for Subscriber members! Simply search ‘xmas‘ in our catalogue to see what is available on this promotion. This offer will end on the 4th January, so reserve by the 21st of December!
Want to upgrade from Standard to Subscriber? Give us a call on Mondays or Fridays between 10.30am and 4pm to upgrade!
Want to reserve items? See our tutorial here!

A Library of Things.
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